november 27, 2017

The Holiday Gift Guide: For Her & The Home

It’s Cyber Monday, one of the busiest online shopping days of the year! If you are like me, you look at all the sales wanting to check off your shopping list, but can be overwhelmed at what to buy.

These past few years I have not only enjoyed putting together holiday gift guides but I also love to shop from them! Having someone curate their top ideas on what to give someone in a specific category, whether its for her, him, in-laws, hostess gifts, kids… The list goes on and on. It’s like taking all your favorite stores, picking the trendiest people you know, and having them present to you their best ideas for your list. Genius right?

So today, in honor of this crazy online shopping day, we are sharing 2 more gift guides: For Her and For The Home. {If you missed our Travel Gift Guide from last week click here}

Gift Guide for Her

Warm cozy clothing is a must here in Minnesota, but I think no matter where you live having a few fashionable pieces of outdoor ware is a must for everyone! I love that outdoor gear has really stepped it up a notch with it’s fashion sense. You don’t have to buy ugly clunky boots anymore or wear ski jackets everyday.

  1. This wool coat with the fur hood is practical and warm, but has such pretty lines too.

2.  I love that it is now cool again to wear cute winter hats with balls on the top. I remember the days where you would freeze to death because you wouldn’t be                 caught dead with a winter hat on your head. {the high school joys!} Loving this little hat to go with the wool jacket from above.

3.  To top off your winter outdoor wardrobe, how cute are these off white Sperrys? So practical and still pretty.

Our other top picks? Adorable handbags that can work for winter or summer. Cozy socks and leather gloves to complete your outdoor look. Even some comfy jammies for those casual nights in!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

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Gift Guide for the Home

With Pinterest, Instagram, and blogs… beautiful homes are much more accessible. Do you ever look at a picture and wonder where they found that pillow? Or those cute kitchen accessories that always seem so hard to find when you are shopping out and about? Giving a gift to someone for their home is always a great idea. Sometimes people don’t want to spend the money on a new platter, or a cute new door mat. Those are the gifts that will keep on giving all year long! Here are a few of our favorite finds for the home.

  1. Door mats are all the rage right now. No, really! Layering a durable door mat with a pretty indoor/outdoor rug underneath creates the sweetest entrance for your guests as they enter your home.

2.  These dishes… we are all about the blue and white still, and this blue scalloped rim plate is the perfect addition to someone’s white every day dish set. This                 may or may not be on my Wish List this year 😉

3.  Our recent favorite place to find pretty and fun art? This girl has made a couple of our shoots now and she may find a permanent home on one of my shelves…

And even more of our favorite finds for the home this season. Pillows, platters, pretty new silverware… there is something for everyone and every budget here!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16


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Happy shopping friends! We can’t wait to hear what you gifted to your loved ones this year!





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  • Lindsey December 26, 2017, 8:22 am

    ahhh--- LOVE the painting of the girl with the flowers. NEED!

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