december 16, 2012

{DIY} Christmas Card Display

One of my favorite things about the holiday season are all the Christmas cards we get in the mail. Every year, they end up going in a basket that sits on the counter, and then every once in a while we will dig through it and look at all the smiling faces. This year, I decided it was time for a change so that we could enjoy all the cards every day, out in the open.

Thanks to pinterest, it wasn’t hard to come up with different ideas on how to display the cards.

This is our display this year!

All you need is some sort of seasonal/holiday sign, ribbon, a staple gun, a command hook and some laundry clips.



Attach the ribbon to the back of your sign with a staple gun. Then, hang a command hook upside down on the back of the door, so it is not visible from the front of the door.




103What do you think? Do you have any fun ways you display your cards every year? It’s so fun to have them up and all in one spot. Everyone who comes over all ways takes a minute to look at all the beautiful cards!


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  • Sarah Skillrud December 17, 2012, 8:32 am

    I am going to attempt this!! Such a great idea!

    • bhammel December 17, 2012, 8:34 am

      You definitely should Sarah! You have a perfect spot for it!

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