september 20, 2013

Bria Hammel Interiors 15 seconds of fame!

We had the amazing experience this week of being featured on Twin Cities Live with one of our favorite builders, Divine Custom Homes touring our client’s home on the Parade of Homes. This has been such an amazing project for us and there is nothing better then seeing it complete and enjoying its beauty!

Photo shoot to come!

In the mean time, I wanted to share the link to the video of our 1st tv appearance! And a cute photo of Jeff, Emily and I after the taping was complete.

Isn’t Emily darling? She has such a cute personality and is REALLY a natural at her job!

Click on the link below to view the video!



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  • A Sophisticated Mountain Home » My Blog/Website September 23, 2013, 7:57 pm

    [...] the tour but want to see a live walk thru? Click HERE to see our interview on Twin Cities [...]

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