october 31, 2013

{Before & After}: A Vintage Modern Kitchen Remodel

I had the pleasure of working on this SUPER fun kitchen remodel and addition this year, and finally was able to get some photos taken of the completed project.

A really fun couple who had recently become empty nesters- but decided they needed MORE space for their growing extended family. (A common occurrence when the grandkids start rolling in!)

The client loves mixing vintage, not being matchy matchy, and having modern day amenities. I think we accomplished just that with this project!

Here are some BEFORES:

And the AFTERS!:


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  • Myra Young May 2, 2014, 12:21 am

    I am in love with the backsplash! Where did you find your tile?

    • admin May 2, 2014, 1:05 am

      Thanks we love it too! The tile is from Ann Sacks and was a custom blend.

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