Wow did that year fly by or what? This has been one of the craziest years ever, so many things to be proud of and reflect on for the upcoming year! Here are our Top 10 big accomplishments and events of the year!
#1: 2013 Spring Remodelers Showcase Dream Home
#2: 2013 Luxury Dream Home
#3: Louie turned 1! Ok, not exactly business related but those working mom’s out there can relate this is a big accomplishment raising a toddler and running your own business!
#4: We moved! A great new office for our growing company! It’s so nice having a place of our own 🙂
#5: Our team is growing! Anna started in August and Sally started in November! So lucky to have such great people to work with!
#6: 2013 Fall Parade of Homes Dream Home
#7: We were on TV! Twin Cities Live did a tour of our Dream Home and interviewed us and the builder, it was so much fun!
Click here to see the interview!
#8: Lots of traveling! Completed projects in Arizona, Kansas, and Pennsylvania!
Arizona Home
Kansas Home
Pennsylvania Home (still in progress!)
#9: We got published!
#10: We went viral! Some of our work that was HOT on Pinterest! (Did you know Bria Hammel Interiors has added over 3,800 pins to Pinterest?!)
#11: We sponsored a model in the Angels and Divas Fashion Show for the Angel Foundation! Such a fun night- stay tuned to see how we will be involved even more next year!
#12: We went to High Point for the first time!!
#13: We had our biggest year yet! So many fun clients and projects we got to work on this year! We are so excited to see what 2014 brings!!!