december 9, 2016

Simplifying Your Christmas Styling


Here at Bria Hammel Interiors,  Christmas time is filled with more memories than even our stuffed holiday stockings. Memories with friends and family, outdoors and in, in blizzards and blue sky hikes, and over elaborate christmas dinners to cozy cocoa talks. A lot happens and with all of those moments and memories and with each and every year, our homes can look less cozy and more crowded, less simple and more over-saturated. Unpacking our Christmas decor boxes from chilly attics means sorting through a lot of things- but should you bring them all out or not? We acquired a few tips and tricks to keep you holiday styling simple, classic and calming. We want your homes to feel like you and a celebration of all the things the holidays mean to you.



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  1. Pick an accent color- and it doesn’t have to be red!

We love this mantel for the subtle coral hue that’s both unexpected and calming. What’s great about this, is that you can keep it very simple! Buying the same color ribbon and putting a little bit here and a little bit there brings it all together.



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2. Don’t be dismayed by family heirlooms or vintage knick-knacks- make little moments!

So often the crafts your kids made you in kindergarten and your grandma’s collection of deer end up scattered throughout your home creating a cluttered and unkept look. We love this idea below for a variety of small accents that don’t seem connected. Use simple, large glass jars to create separate moments that come together seamlessly when gathered together. Place on a mantel, end table, or console for an updated winter scene with all the pieces that bring back all the christmas memories!


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3. Gather it all together with a tray!

Rather than having a few Christmas items here and a few there, gather items with the same color tones and different heights together on a simple tray. Instantly your odds and ends decorations turn into centerpieces you can put anywhere in your home. We love how they added a candle and a hint of green here, and you could easily do this with many holiday pieces! We’re thinking a candle, a few Christmas ornaments, some live holly, and framed Christmas quote? How could you go wrong!



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4. Mix your metals- silver and gold work in all homes!

A touch a brass, a soft brushed gold, and the coolness of bright silver look good in any home in the holidays! If you already have a lot of colors and patterns, brining in any more color or pattern (especially bright red and green) can instantly clutter an otherwise beautiful space. Stick with a variety of metal tones to add a hint of shine and sparkle to your holiday decor. The trick is to keep them grouped together and to use a variety of finishes, sizes and heights.

We hope our Christmas styling tips allow your favorite holiday accents to look beautiful in your home year and year! Blog Signatures


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