september 15, 2017

Cooking Collective: A Healthy Lunchbox

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Back to School

We are so excited to partner with Prescribe Nutrition to share with you today a few tips on how to pack a healthy school lunchbox.

Prescribe Nutrition is a company aiming to change the game in nutrition support. By helping people stop dieting and start learning what signals their body is sending and how to take in what their body needs, people will transform their lives. They believe the more alive our foods are the more alive WE will feel… sounds kind of amazing right? The idea of not dieting but just focusing on the healthy foods that our bodies NEED to eat is pretty refreshing.

Feeding children a well balanced, healthy meal that they want to eat can be a bit overwhelming. PN’s solution to overcoming this challenge is what they call “Leveling Up”. The way to get children to eat better is by taking baby steps. They suggest starting with simple steps like making your own ranch dressing instead of using store bought. Packing a treat in the lunchbox for them to eat after eating their healthy lunch. Here is the biggy… getting them involved. Plant a vegetable garden with them, take them to the Farmer’s Market, or even just taking them to the grocery store and letting them pick the fruit and vegetables that they want to try that week. The more involved they are with selecting the food, the more interested they will be in eating it!

Anna Decker, Chief Visionary Officer at Prescribe Nutrition, tells her kids; “it’s not necessarily that you don’t like the food, it’s that you’re not familiar with it because it’s new to your body.” Anna also informed us that it takes fourteen separate exposures to a new food to realize we “like” said food. It’s kind of nice to have a reason behind the melt downs when they don’t want to try something, or they rebel against eating anything green 😉

According to Prescribe Nutrition, a well balanced meal includes healthy fats, fiber and protein. It’s all about sticking to whole foods. For simple, healthy recipes that can be enjoyed by the whole family, PN often refers to the fabulous website

Recipes To Try

We tried 2 of the recipes perfect for a lunch box that the kids loved!

Simple ingredients, easy to make, and super fun to have the kids help!

Either of these recipes, with some fruit, olives, and a piece of zucchini or banana bread for dessert and you have the perfect lunchbox meal!

A Special Treat for the Kids

Another way to get your child excited for lunch at school? Pack a little joke inside. Our kids love hearing and telling silly jokes! For them to know that at lunchtime they get to share a funny joke with their friends (or if they are too little to read their teacher can share) is sure to make them excited to eat their healthy meal. Here are a few of our favorites for you to print off and use!

We hope you find these tips as helpful as we did! We can’t wait to try more recipes involving the kiddos! Making the mealtime experience more fun for all involved 😉 To learn more about Prescribe Nutrition visit their website and check out their blog!



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  • Katie September 19, 2017, 1:57 pm

    Such a fun collaboration! There's nothing better than great recipe ideas coupled with visuals.... and the kiddos LOVE being involved:)

    • Bria Hammel September 19, 2017, 8:33 pm

      Yes! So fun having the kids want to be involved <3

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