july 18, 2018

My Front Porch Reveal

After visiting Charleston and staying at 86 Cannon this past Spring (see more from my trip here), I was completely inspired to update my own home. Our front porch is by far the most popular space in our home during the summer months and this year was the year to make it the oasis we’ve always dreamed of.

I always find myself drawn to Southern style (it’s the Texan in me!), and there’s something so cheerful and welcoming in a southern home. Plus, what’s more traditionally southern than an incredible front porch? I may have a soft spot for nostalgia, but there really isn’t anything sweeter than watching our kids play in the yard from the porch and hearing their little feet run up the steps after a long day in the sun. I remember those days as a child so vividly!

Our front porch is also the first impression guests have of our home and we wanted to make sure that it drew our family, friends, and neighbors in so that they felt comfortable to sit, chat, and even enjoy a glass of lemonade or a cocktail.

After visiting Charleston and staying at 86 Cannon this past Spring (see more from my trip here), I was completely inspired to. While we do use ours a lot for entertaining, we also desired it to be a calming space where you can curl up with a good book or cup of coffee in the morning as well. We got this amazing sofa that’s perfect for that and bought a bunch of indoor/outdoor pillows to make it extra cozy!

A few weeks ago I had mentioned on Instagram that I had herbs up to my ears and it’s completely due to this hanging herb garden we installed! As you can tell, they are growing like crazy and I hate to admit it, but I’m running out of ideas as to how to use them all. If you have any great recipes, please send them my way in the comments below!

After visiting Charleston and staying at 86 Cannon this past Spring (see more from my trip here), I was completely inspired to

While we do use ours a lot for entertaining, we also desired it to be a calming space where you can curl up with a good book or cup of coffee in the morning as well. We got this amazing sofa that’s perfect for that and bought a bunch of indoor/outdoor pillows to make it extra cozy!

A few weeks ago I had mentioned on Instagram that I had herbs up to my ears and it’s completely due to this hanging herb garden we installed! As you can tell, they are growing like crazy and I hate to admit it, but I’m running out of ideas as to how to use them all. If you have any great recipes, please send them my way in the comments below!

Below the herb garden we bought this rattan bar cart (and for sure an amazing price might I add!) which is great for placing any food or drink we want to bring outside. We made sure to buy these plastic goblets and glasses so that there wouldn’t be any chance of shattering them and I’m pretty much obsessed.

I do have to say though, this hanging chair, might be my favorite piece. It’s such a fun addition and the kids absolutely love swinging on it. It’s super sturdy and we love that it’s weather proofed so we don’t have to worry about leaving it outside all summer long.

We couldn’t be happier with how our front porch turned out and the curb appeal it created for our home. We’ve been taking full advantage of it this summer and, dare I even say this, I’m so excited to decorate it for the Fall and Winter!


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Photography by: Spacecrafting Photography 



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  • Natalie July 24, 2018, 5:40 pm

    Hi. I Would love to know the name of the exterior paint color? It’s a lovely gray.

  • Barbara Chapman May 26, 2020, 7:34 am

    Hello Bria, your patio is beautiful! Thank you for letting us use your patio as our inspiration piece this month as our Pinterest Challenge!! We appreciate it. Hugs, Barb Chapman www.frenchethereal.net

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