We are so excited to introduce you to, Kristin Chambless – the creator of COLOR by K, a Charleston-based lifestyle blog and a constant source of inspiration to our team! In addition to that, she’s also Brooke & Lou’s Spring Tastemaker and will be highlighting her favorite Brooke & Lou pieces throughout the season over on her Instagram.
We recently chatted with Kristin to find out what her favorite pieces are from our newest collection, the similarities between her personal style and Brooke & Lou’s, and a few other fun questions! So, let’s get into it – shall we?
Why do you love the Spring pieces you selected?
I’ve really been crushing on hues of green lately! Whether it be on a tablescape or just touches of it in the kitchen, it’s such a calming color that brings life to a space. My new herb plates have become a recent favorite in our home – not only are they a great size, but oh-so-cute!
How does Brooke & Lou’s aesthetic resonate with you?
I love the way the brand incorporates traditional design elements with a more updated/modern take by incorporating fresh color and prints!
If you could invite any celebrity over for dinner, who would it be?
This is always a tough one to answer, and honestly depends on the day/mood I’m in! Haha, but today I’d say Oprah – have you seen the M+H interview?! I feel like she’s just a wealth of knowledge and also an overall powerhouse. Would love to hear her insight on business/brand development, growth, etc. with a side of celeb gossip.