It’s no secret that we love a good wallpaper. It gives life and personality to a space and can immediately take a simple, small, or unexpected room way from blah to beautiful. Although wallpaper can sometimes get a bad rap for being too traditional or even outdated, we believe that with the right color, pattern, and style it’s actually the complete opposite. If you have a room in need of a lift, take the leap of faith and try it! You’ll be amazed how it can truly transform your space.
The best spaces to use it
While we don’t necessarily think that there is a wrong space for wallpaper, we have noticed that small spaces are the best places to try it out. It will still have a ton of impact, but it will cost you less and is a perfect starting place in your journey with wallpaper. We’ve used it in bathrooms, laundry rooms, mudrooms, play rooms, pantries, offices, and even dining rooms (including my own!).
Here are just a few examples of ways we’ve used it over the years.
Our favorite places to get it
Over the years, we’ve accumulated quite the list of places we keep coming back to. Here is a list of our favorite sources:
– Schumacher
– Hygge & West
– Les Indiennes
– Lulie Wallace
– Serena and Lily
– Thibaut
– Ralph Lauren
– Stark
– Farrow & Ball
– Caitlin Wilson
So, what’s your opinion on wallpaper? Yay or nay?
what is the source for the blue and white stripe wallpaper in the first picture?
LOVE love love wallpaper!
I love wallpaper. I would love to see it make a bigger comeback.
Beautiful work and designs.
Thanks Michelle!
Looks very nice and I will have it in my office space.
Yay! It has been a long time love of mine.