april 28, 2021

How to Style a Mantel with a Television

One of our favorite areas to style in a living room is mantels. Fireplaces instantly add warmth (both literally and figuratively!) to a space and we always enjoy the process of decorating a mantel — whether it’s for every day or the holidays.

With so many different ways to decorate your mantel, we also know that the process (although fun) can sometimes be a challenge. But, have no fear, our Stylist, Kelly, is sharing her go-to tips and guidelines she’s compiled over the years to create the perfect, simple focal point for your space that doesn’t distract from the movie-watching.

Tip No. 1: Symmetry is Sweet

If you don’t know where to start, play with symmetry. Just like you would with a pair of sconces flanking the fireplace, keep that same idea with your accessories. Whether it’s candlesticks, books, or decorative objects – you can never go wrong with a simple, repetitive design.

Tip No. 2: Highlight the Built-Ins

If there are built-ins or cabinets with flanking the fireplace, keep the mantel clean and decor-less, this can create a “cluttered” look. Instead, stick to styling the cabinets and built-ins to pull the room together. If you only have 1 built-in/open shelving, beside your mantel, you can have a bit more freedom to style the mantel but make sure to edit yourself! Sometimes, less is more when it comes to accessories. If you need bookshelf styling tips, see our previous post here.

Tip No. 3: Add Some Character

For a collected feel, decorate with one-of-a-kind objects of different shapes and heights, and add vintage books for texture. A mantel is one of our favorite places to incorporate vintage pieces – it adds such character and uniqueness without the entire room feeling dated.

Tip No. 4: Play with Heights

Place accessories in a “step-down” approach, with taller items on the outside, and smaller, horizontal items on the inside/under the TV. This will ensure you don’t obstruct anyone’s view and will h act as a natural frame to lead your eye to the television.


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