One more month before his birthday? So crazy. I promise I’m not going to get emotional in this post… I will save that for the next one 😉
We had a busy and fun month this month. Little boy is on the move and wants to do it on his own! He is quicker than me, I swear. Can climb the stairs about as fast as I can.
We went on another plane ride this month (crazy kid 2 trips in a month!) down to Kansas. He was my little helper and came down with me while I met with a new client. We also got to get some much needed Chris and Hillary time, and Louie found his future wife (at least in his mind!)
Louie’s 11 Month Stats:
Clothes: 12-18 Month for all clothes, pj’s are 18 month.
Diapers: Still in size 3! Although I’m starting to think we need to move up to a 4 soon.
Food: This kid eats everything. He can eat an entire kids meal at a restaurant. 4 bottles a day still…
Sleep: He has been an earlier riser lately. More like 6:15. Still going to be by 7:30. Naps 2 hours in the morning, 1 in the afternoon.
New Developments: He sits on the floor and does 360’s. Walks along furniture… goes everywhere. Crawls up stairs faster then I can walk them. 5 teeth now, 2 on top 3 on bottom!
Likes: Loves to explore. Loves being outside. LOVES THE POOL!!!