Dear Lou,
I can hardly type it… I’ve had such a hard time with this upcoming birthday! Why does 4 seem so much older than 3? 3 you were still a toddler in my eyes, 4- you are a big boy… might as well be moving to college the way I’ve been so emotional these past few weeks 😉 There was the time in Target a few weeks ago (yes we still love our Target runs every Saturday!) when the lady asked you how old you were turning and when you told her I started choking up, only for you to look at me and say “Don’t worry Mommy I’ll still be your baby!”… to just the other day when we were getting your 4 year pictures done and I started crying seeing you in these shots all grown up!
You have my heart like no one else in this world! Your tender heart, crazy wild personality, and silly disposition makes people fall in love with you. You may be the sweetest big brother in the world (seriously I didn’t think it was possible for a little boy to be so loving to his baby sister!) You love your cousins more than anything in this world, and your friendships you have created with your little buddies at school are so strong we can already picture you guys as high schoolers joking around in the locker room.
This year you have grown so much. The first year of Montessori is under your belt. You took your first skating lessons and you are killing it in T-Ball. You still love your sushi, have constant debates with me on whether Starbucks or Caribou is better, and have made good friends with Fred in the Starbucks drive thru (he always tells you as we drive away “Have Fun Storming the Montessori!” and you yell at him that you don’t storm! I can’t imagine what the people inside think of you two!) It’s just who you are, you make friends every where you go (you definitely have your Daddy in you!)
You really know how to get me telling me lately that you just want to grow up and work in mommy’s office, sitting in mommy’s chair. I keep teasing you that someday you can build all of mommy’s houses! Keep you nice and close to home 😉
I love you more each day my little man. Thanks for being the sweet boy that you are. Promise me you will always stay my baby, even when you are taller and stronger than me! Daddy, Brooklyn and I are so blessed to have you in our lives!
Happy Birthday My Baby Boy!
Photography by the fabulous Laura Rae Photography!
To see more of our sweet little Lou click here for his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd birthday letters!